The East-West (Orthodox Old Catholic)
(otherwise known as the Julio-Gregorian Calendar)

Variable Feasts

Latin Pascha (Easter): according to the Gregorian date
Eastern  Pascha (Easter): according to the Julian date

Ash Wednesday – the Wednesday preceding the first Sunday in Lent, calculated from the Latin Pascha
Septuagesima, Sexageima, and Quinquagesima
 – The third, second, and first Sunday immediately preceding Ash Wednesday
Sunday of Orthodoxy – First sunday in Lent
Lenten Ember Days
 – Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday of the first full week of Lent
Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas
 – Second Sunday in Lent
Sunday of the Holy Cross – Third Sunday in Lent
Laetare Sunday
 – Fourth Sunday in Lent
Passion Sunday – Sunday before Palm Sunday
Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows – Friday of Passion Week
Lazarus Saturday –  Saturday before Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday –  Sunday before Latin Pascha
Ascension – Thursday following the fifth Sunday after Latin Pascha.
 – Sunday following the Octave of the Ascension
Ember Days
of Pentecost – Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday of Pentecost Week
Feast of the Most Holy Trinity
 – Sunday following Pentecost. 
Radonitsa (Day of Rejoicing)
 – Tuesday of the week following Eastern Pascha (day of remembrance of dead)
September Ember Days
 Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday of the Third Week in September, that is, the week beginning the Sunday in September that falls between the 12th and 18th inclusive. That is, they are the Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday following the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.
Advent Ember Days
 – Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday of the third week of Advent
Gaudete Sunday
 – Third Sunday in Advent 

+ 1 JANUARY –  Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Octave Day of the Latin Feast of the Nativity) (d2)
    Comm: Octaves of Saint Stephen, Saint John, and the Holy Innocents
2 JANUARY –  Octave Day of Saint Stephen, Deacon & Protomartyr (gd., s.)
    Comm: Octaves of Saint John and the Holy Innocents
 3 JANUARY –  Octave Day of Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist (gd., s.)
    Comm: Octave of the Holy Innocents
4 JANUARY –   Octave Day of the Holy Innocents (gd., s.)
    Comm: Saint Telephorus, M. 
+ 6 JANUARY –  Latin Feast of the Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles also known as the Epiphany and the Commemoration of Armenian Christmas (d1 with priv. oct. 2)
7 JANUARY –  Eastern Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord (d1) and commemoration of the Octave of the Epiphany (oct. 2)
8 JANUARY –  Of the Octave of the Epiphany (oct. 2)
9 JANUARY –  Of the Octave of the Epiphany (oct. 2)
10 JANUARY –  Of the Octave of the Epiphany (oct. 2)
11 JANUARY –  Of the Octave of the Epiphany (oct. 2)
Comm: Saint Hyginus, M. (s.)
12 JANUARY –  Of the Octave of the Epiphany (oct. 2)
13 JANUARY –  Octave Day of the Epiphany and the Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ
     (oct. day 2, gd.)
14 JANUARY –  Saint Hilary, Bishop, Confessor, & Doctor of the Church (d.)
    Comm: Saint Felix, Pr.M. (s.)
15 JANUARY –  Saint Paul the First Hermit, Confessor (d.)
    Comm: Saint Maurus, Ab.
16 JANUARY –  Saint Marcellus I, Pope and Martyr (sd.)
17 JANUARY –  Saint Anthony, Abbot (d.)
18 JANUARY –  The Chair of Saint Peter in Rome (gd.)
    Comm: Of Saint Paul (as usual) and St. Prisca, V.M.
19 JANUARY –  Eastern
Feast of the Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles also known as the Epiphany and the Commemoration of the Baptism of Our Lord (d)
    Comm: Saints Marius, Martha, Audifax, and Habakkuk, MM. (s.)  and Saint Canute, K.M.
20 JANUARY –  Saint Fabian, Pope and Martyr, and Saint Sebastian, Martyr (d.)
21 JANUARY –  Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr (d.)
22 JANUARY –  Saints Vincent and Anastasius, Martyrs (sd.)
23 JANUARY – Saint Raymond de Pennafort, Confessor (sd.)
    Comm: Saint Emerentiana, VM.
24 JANUARY –  Saint Timothy, Bishop and Martyr (d.)
    Comm: Saint Ksenia of St. Petersburg, Confessor (sd., w.)
25 JANUARY –  Conversion of Saint Paul (gd.)
    Comm: Of Saint Peter (as usual)
26 JANUARY –  Saint Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr  (d.)
27 JANUARY –  Saint John Chrysostom, Bishop, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church (d.)
28 JANUARY –  Saint Peter Nolasco, Confessor  (d.)
    Comm: Saint Agnes, V.M. (2nd Mass)
29 JANUARY – Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop, Confessor, & Doctor of the Church (d.)
30 JANUARY – Saint Martina, Virgin and Martyr (sd.)
31 JANUARY –  Comm: Saint John Bosco, C. (d.)
1 FEBRUARY –  Saint Ignatius, Bishop and Martyr (d.)
2 FEBRUARY – Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary (d2)
3 FEBRUARY –  Saint Blaise, Bishop & Martyr (s.)
4 FEBRUARY –Saint Andrew Corsini, Bishop & Confessor (d.)
5 FEBRUARY –   Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr (d.)
+ 6 FEBRUARY –  Saint Titus, Bishop and Confessor (d.)
    Comm: Saint Dorothy, V.M.
7 FEBRUARY –   Saint Pius IX, Pope & Confessor (d.)
    Comm: Saint Romuald, Ab. (d.)
8 FEBRUARY –  Saint John of Matha, Confessor  (d.)
9 FEBRUARY –  Saint Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop, Confessor, & Doctor of the Church  (d.)
    Comm: Saint Apollonia, V.M.
10 FEBRUARY –  Saint Scholastica, Virgin (d.)
11 FEBRUARY –  The Apparition of the Blessed Virgin Mary  (gd.)
12 FEBRUARY –  Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order (d.)
13 FEBRUARY – Feria
14 FEBRUARY –  Saint Valentine, Priest & Martyr (s.)
15 FEBRUARY –  Saints Faustinus & Jovita, Martyrs  (s.)
16 FEBRUARY –  Feria
17 FEBRUARY –  Feria 
18 FEBRUARY –  Saint Simeon, Bishop & Martyr (s.)
19 FEBRUARY –  Feria
20 FEBRUARY –  Feria
21 FEBRUARY –  Saint Julius II, Pope & Confessor (d.)
22 FEBRUARY –  Chair of Saint Peter in Antioch (gd.)
23 FEBRUARY –  Saint Peter Damian, Bishop, Confessor, & Doctor of  the Church  (d.)
    Comm: Vigil of Saint Mathias, A.
24 FEBRUARY –  Saint Mathias, Apostle  (d2)
25 FEBRUARY –  Feria
26 FEBRUARY –  Feria
27 FEBRUARY –  Saint Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows (d.)
    (In leap years, instead on 28 February)
28 FEBRUARY –  Feria
1 MARCH –  Saint David, Bishop & Confessor (d.)
2 MARCH –  Feria
3 MARCH –  Feria
4 MARCH –  Saint Casimir, Confessor (sd.)
    Comm: Saint Lucius IM.
5 MARCH –  Feria
6 MARCH –  Saints Perpetua and Felicitas, Martyrs (d.)
7 MARCH –  Saint Thomas Aquinas, Confessor & Doctor of the Church  (d.)
8 MARCH –  Saint John of God, Confessor (d.)
9 MARCH –  Saint Francis of Rome, Widow (d.)
10 MARCH –  Forty Holy Martyrs (sd.)
11 MARCH –  Feria
12 MARCH –  Saint Gregory the Great, Pope, Confessor, & Doctor of the Church (d.)
13 MARCH –  Feria
14 MARCH –  Feria
15 MARCH –  Feria
16 MARCH –  Feria
17 MARCH –  Saint Patrick, Bishop & Confessor (d.)
    Feast Day of the Pontifical Order of the Eagle
18 MARCH –  Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop, Confessor, & Doctor of the Church (d.)
19 MARCH –  Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and  Universal Patron of the
     Church (d1)
20 MARCH –  Saint Cuthbert, Bishop and Confessor (d.)
21 MARCH –  Saint Benedict, Abbot (gd.)
22 MARCH – Feria
23 MARCH – Feria
24 MARCH –  Saint Gabriel the Archangel (gd.)
25 MARCH –  Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Commemoration of Our Lady of Walsingham, Patroness of the Pontifical Court (d1)
26 MARCH – Feria
27 MARCH –  Saint John of Damascus, Confessor and Doctor of the Church (d.)
28 MARCH –  Saint John Capistrano, Confessor (sd.)
29 MARCH –  Feria
30 MARCH – Feria
31 MARCH –  Feria
1 APRIL –  Feria
2 APRIL –  Saint Francis de Paula, Confessor (d.)
3 APRIL – Feria
4 APRIL –  Saint Isidore, Bishop, Confessor, & Doctor of the Church (d.)
5 APRIL –  Saint Vincent Ferrer, Confessor (d.)
6 APRIL –  Feria
7 APRIL –  Feria
8 APRIL –  Feria
9 APRIL –  Feria
10 APRIL –  Feria
11 APRIL –  Saint Leo I, Pope, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church (d.)
12 APRIL –  Feria
13 APRIL –  Saint Hermenegild, Martyr
14 APRIL –  Saint Justin Martyr (d.)
    Comm: Sts. Tiburtius, Valerian, and Maximus, MM.
15 APRIL –  Feria
16 APRIL –  Feria
17 APRIL –  Saint Anicetus, Pope and Martyr (s.) 
18 APRIL –  Feria
19 APRIL –  Feria
20 APRIL –  Feria
21 APRIL –  Saint Anselm, Bishop, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church (sd.)
    Birthday of Rome
22 APRIL –  Saints Soter and Cajus, Popes and Martyrs (sd.)
23 APRIL –  Saint George, Martyr (sd.)
         Feast Day of the Order of Sts. George and Olga
24 APRIL –  Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Martyr (sd.)
25 APRIL –  Saint Mark, Evangelist and the Greater Litanies (d2)
    + Festal Station at the Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta, Aquileia +
     (Also the United Roman-Ruthenian Day of Joyous Remembrance, the feast to celebrate, remember, and pray for the repose of the souls of the nobles, knights, clergy, and servants of the Holy Church and all that they have done in pious service.)
26 APRIL –  Saints Cletus and Marcellinus, Popes & Martyrs (sd.)
27 APRIL –  Saint Peter Canisius, Confessor & Doctor (d.)
28 APRIL –  Saint Paul of the Cross, Confessor (d.)
    Comm: Saint Vitalis, M.
29 APRIL –  Saint Peter of Verona, Martyr (d.)
30 APRIL –  Saint Catherine of Sienna, Virgin (d.)
1 MAY –  Saints Philip and James, Apostles (d2)
2 MAY –  Saint Athanasius, Bishop, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church (d.)
3 MAY –  Invention of the Holy Cross (d.)
    Comm: Saint Alexander I, P.M., Eventius and Theodolus, MM, and Juvenalis, B.C.
4 MAY –  Saint Monica, Widow (d.)
5 MAY –   Saint Pius V, Pope and Confessor (d.)
6 MAY –  Saint John before the Lateran Gate (gd.)
7 MAY –  Saint Stanislas, Bishop and Martyr (d.)
    + Festal Station at the Cathedral of St. Domnius, Split +
    N.b. Also this day is the Feast of St. Domnius, Bishop & Martyr
8 MAY –  Apparition of Saint Michael (gd.)
9 MAY –  Saint Gregory Nazianzen, Bishop, Confessor, & Doctor of the Church (d.)
10 MAY –  Saint Antonius, Bishop & Confessor (d.)
    Comm: Saints Gordian and Epimachus, MM.
11 MAY –   Feria
12 MAY –   Saints Nereus and Achilleus, Martyrs, Saint Domitilla, V.M. & Saint Pacras, M. (sd.)
13 MAY –  Saint Robert Bellarmine, Bishop, Confessor, & Doctor of the Church (d.)
14 MAY –  Saint Boniface, Martyr (s.)
15 MAY –  Saint John Baptist de la Salle, Confessor (d.)
16 MAY –  Saint Ubald, Bishop & Confessor (sd.)
17 MAY –  Saint Paschal Baylon, Confessor (d.)
18 MAY –  Saint Venantius, Martyr  (d.)
19 MAY –  Saint Peter Celestine, Pope & Confessor  (d.)
    Comm: Saint Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy, Confessor (sd.)
20 MAY –  Saint Bernardin of Siena, Confessor (sd.)
    Comm: St. Christopher Columbus, C. (sd.)
21 MAY –  Feria
22 MAY –  Feria
23 MAY –  Saint Euphrosyne of Polotsk, Confessor (d.)
24 MAY –  Feria
25 MAY –  Saint Gregory VII, Pope and Confessor (d.)
    Comm: Saint Urban I, P.M.
26 MAY –  Saint Philip Neri, Confessor (d.)
27 MAY –  Saint Venerable Bede, Confessor & Doctor of the Church (d.); Commemoration of Saint Angelo Sodano of Ostaia (d.)
28 MAY –  Saint Augustine of Canterbury Bishop and Confessor (d2., gd.)
    Patron of the Anglican Rite / Anglo-Roman Rite
29 MAY –  Saint Mary Magdalene of Pazzi, Virgin (sd.)
30 MAY –  St. Felix I, Pope and Martyr (s.)
31 MAY –  St. Petronilla, Virgin (s.)
1 JUNE –  Saint Angela Merici, Virgin (d.)
2 JUNE –  Saints Marcellinus and Peter, Martyrs and Saint Erasmus, Bishop and Martyr (s.)
3 JUNE –  Feria
4 JUNE –  Saint Francis Caracciolo, Confessor (d.)
5 JUNE –  Saint Boniface, Bishop and Martyr (d.)
6 JUNE –  Saint Norbert, Bishop and Confessor (d.)
7 JUNE –  Feria 
8 JUNE – Feria
9 JUNE – Saint John the Russian, Confessor (d.)
    Comm: Saints Primus and Felicianus, Martyrs (s.)
10 JUNE –  Saint Margaret, Queen and Widow (sd.)
11 JUNE –  Saint Barnabas, Apostle (gd., d2.)
12 JUNE –  Saint John of Saint Facundo, Confessor (d.)
    Comm:  Saints Cyrinus, Nabor, and Nazarius, MM.
13 JUNE –  Saint Anthony of Padua, Confessor & Doctor of the Church (d.)
14 JUNE –  Saint Basil the Great, Bishop, Confessor, & Doctor of the Church (d.)
15 JUNE –  Saints Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia, Martyrs (s.)
16 JUNE –  Feria
17 JUNE – Feria
18 JUNE –  Saint Ephraem of Syria, Deacon, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church (d.)
    Comm: Saints Mark and Marcellian, MM.
19 JUNE –  Saint Juliana of Falconieri, Virgin (d.)
    Comm: Saints Gervasius and Protasius, MM.
20 JUNE –  Saint Sylverius, Pope and Martyr (s.)
21 JUNE –  Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Confessor (d.)
22 JUNE – Saint Paulinus, Bishop and Confessor (d.)
23 JUNE – Vigil of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist (min. vig.)
24 JUNE –  Nativity of Saint John the Baptist  (d1 with oct.3)
25 JUNE –  Saint William, Abbot (d.)
26 JUNE –  Saints John and Paul, Martyrs (d.)
    Comm: Octave of Saint John Baptist (oct. 3)
27 JUNE –  Octave of Saint John Baptist (oct. 3)
28 JUNE –  Saint Irenaeus, Bishop & Martyr (d.)
    Comm: Octave of Saint John Baptist (oct. 3) and Vigil of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
    (min. vig.)
29 JUNE –  Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles (d1 with oct.3)
    Patrons of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church & the Stato Pontificio Imperiale
    Comm: Octave of Saint John Baptist (oct.3)
    + Festal Station at the Cathedral of St. Peter, Trier +
30 JUNE –  Commemoration of Saint Paul, Apostle (gd.)
    Comm: Octave of the Nativity of St. John Baptist (oct. 3)
1 JULY –  The Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ  (d1)
    Comm: Octave Day of Saint John Baptist (gd., sd.) and Octave of Saints Peter and Paul,
    AA. (oct. 3)
2 JULY –  Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (d2)
    Comm: Octave of Saints Peter & Paul, AA. (oct. 3), and Saints Processius & Martinian,
3 JULY –  Saint Leo II, Pope and Confessor (sd.)
    Comm: Octave of Saints Peter and Paul, AA. (oct. 3)
4 JULY –  Day VI within the Octave of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles (oct. 3)
5 JULY –   Saint Anthony Maria Zacharias, Confessor (d.)
    Comm: Octave of Saints Peter and Paul, AA. (oct. 3)
6 JULY –  Octave Day of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles (gd.)
7 JULY –  Saints Cyril and Methodius, Bishops and Confessors (d.)
8 JULY –  Saint Elizabeth of Portugal, Queen and Widow (sd.)
    + Festal Station at the Cathedral of St. Kilian, Würzburg +
    N.b. The Feast of St. Kilian, Apostle of Franconia, is also celebrated or commemorated
    this day.
9 JULY –  Feria
10 JULY – Seven Holy Brothers, Martyrs, & Saints Rufina & Secunda, Virgins & Martyrs (sd.)
11 JULY –  St. Olga of Kiev, Equal to the Apostles  (d2.)
    Comm: Saint Pius IM. (s.)
    Feast Day of the Order of Sts. George and Olga
12 JULY –   Saint John Gaulbert, Abbot (d.)
    Comm: Saints Nabor and Felix, Martyrs
13 JULY –  Saint Anacletus, Pope and Martyr (sd.)
14 JULY –  Saint Bonaventure, Bishop, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church (d.)
15 JULY –  St. Vladimir of Kiev, Equal to the Apostles  (d2)
    Comm: Saint Henry, Emp.C. (sd.)
16 JULY –  In Commemoration of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (gd.)
17 JULY –  The Imperial Passion Bearers Tsar Nicholas II and Family (d.)
    Comm: Saint Alexius, Confessor (sd.)
18 JULY –  Saint Camillus of Lellis, Confessor (d.)
    Comm: Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, Martyr (sd.) and Saint Symphorosa and Her Seven Sons, MM.
19 JULY –  Saint Vincent de Paul, Confessor (d.)
20 JULY –  Saint Jerome Emiliani, Confessor (d.)
    Comm: Saint Margaret, V.M.
21 JULY –  The Holy Mother of God of Kazan (First Mass) (d1)
    Comm: Saint Praxedes, V. (s.)
22 JULY –  Saint Mary Magdalene, Penitent (d.)
23 JULY – Holy Righteous Warrior Fyodr Ushakov, Confessor (gd.)  
Saint Apollinaris, Bishop & Martyr (d.) and Saint Liborius, B.C. 
24 JULY – Saint Aftimios Ofiesh, Holy Father of the Apostolic See (d2)
Saint Boris and Gleb, Passion Bearers (sd.), Saint Christina, Virgin and Martyr, and the Vigil of Saint James, Apostle (min. vig.)
25 JULY –  Saint James, Apostle (d2)
    Comm: Saint Christopher, M.
26 JULY –  Saint Anne, Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary (d2)
    Feast Day of the Order of Saints Anne and Alexander Nevsky
27 JULY –  Saint Pantaleon, Martyr (s.)
28 JULY –  Saints Nazarius and Celsus, Martyrs, Saint Victor I, Pope and Martyr, and Saint
     Innocent I, Pope and Confessor (sd.)
29 JULY –  Saint Martha, Virgin (sd.)
    Comm: Saints Felix II, Simplicius, Faustinus, and Beatrice, MM.
30 JULY – Saint Abdon and Sennem, Martyrs (s.)
31 JULY –  Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Confessor (gd., d.)
1 AUGUST –  Saint Peter’s Chains (gd.)
    Comm: Holy Maccabees, MM.
2 AUGUST –  Saint Alfonse Maria de Liguori, Bishop, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church (d.)
    Comm: Saint Stephen I, P.M.
3 AUGUST –  Invention of Saint Stephen, Deacon & Protomartyr (sd.)
    Patron of the Diocese of Rome-Ruthenia
    + Festal Station at the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, Florence +
    Feast Day of the Pontifical Order of the Eagle
4 AUGUST –  Saint Dominic, Confessor (gd.)
5 AUGUST –   Dedication of Saint Mary of the Snows (gd.)
    Comm: Dedication of Holy Righteous Warrior Fyodr Ushakov (sd.)
6 AUGUST –  The Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ (d2)
    Comm: Saint Sixtus II, P.M., and Saints Felicissimus and Agapitus, MM.
7 AUGUST –  Saint Cajetan, Confessor (d.)
    Comm: Saint Donatus, B.M.
8 AUGUST –  Saints Cyriacus, Largus, and Smaragdus, Martyrs (sd.)
9 AUGUST –  Saint John Vianney, Confessor (d.)
    Comm: Vigil of Saint Lawrence, M. (min. vig.) and Saint Romanus, M.
10 AUGUST –  Saint Lawrence, Martyr (d2 with oct.)
11 AUGUST –  Saint Tiburtius, Martyr, and Saint Susanna, Virgin and Martyr (s.)
    Comm: Octave of Saint Lawrence, M. (oct.)
12 AUGUST –   Saint Clare, Virgin (d.)
    Comm: Octave of Saint Lawrence, M. (oct.)
13 AUGUST –  
Saints Hippolytus and Cassianus, Martyrs
    Comm: Octave of Saint Lawrence, M. (oct.)
14 AUGUST –  Saint Eusebius, Confessor  
    Comm: Vigil of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (min. vig.) 
and Octave of Saint Lawrence, M. (oct.)
15 AUGUST –  Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (d1 with oct.3)
    Comm: Octave of Saint Lawrence, M. (oct.)
    + Festal Station at the Cathedral of st. Stephen and Santa Maria Assunta, Pavia +
16 AUGUST –  Saint Joachim, Father of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Confessor (d2)
    Comm: Of the Octave of the Assumption of the B.V.M.  (oct. 3), and Of the Octave of
    Saint Lawrence, M. (oct.)
17 AUGUST –  Saint Hyacinth, Confessor (d.)
    Comm: Of the Octave of the Assumption of the B.V.M. (oct. 3) and of the Octave Day of
    Saint Lawrence, M. (oct. 3)
18 AUGUST –  Of the Octave of the Assumption of the B.V.M.  (oct. 3)
    Comm: Saint Agapitus, M.
19 AUGUST –  Saint John Eudes, Confessor (d.)
    Comm: Octave of the Assumption (oct. 3)
20 AUGUST –  Saint Bernard, Abbot and Doctor of the Church (d.)
    Comm: Octave of the Assumption of the B.V.M. (oct. 3)
21 AUGUST –  Saint Jane Frances Fremiot de Chantal, Widow (d.)
    Comm: Octave of the Assumption of the B.V.M.  (oct. 3)
22 AUGUST –  The Immaculate Heart OF THE Blessed Virgin Mary (Octave Day of the Assumption of the B.V.M.) (d2)
    Comm: Saints Tiburtius, Hippolytus, and Symphorian, MM. 
23 AUGUST –  Saint Philip Benizi, Confessor (d.)
    Comm: Vigil of Saint Bartholomew, A. (min. vig.)
24 AUGUST –  Saint Bartholomew, Apostle (d2)
25 AUGUST –  Saint Louis, King & Confessor (sd., d.)
26 AUGUST –  Saint Zephyrinus, Pope & Martyr (s.)
27 AUGUST –  Saint Joseph Calasanctius, Confessor (sd., d.)
28 AUGUST –  Saint Augustine, Bishop, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church (d.)
    Comm: Saint Hermes, M. (sd.)
29 AUGUST –  The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist (gd.)
    Comm: Saint Sabina, M.
30 AUGUST –  Saint Alexander Nevsky (second feast) and Saint Rose of Lima, Virgin (d.)
    Comm: Saints Felix and Adauctus, MM.
31 AUGUST –  Saint Raymond Nonnatus, Confessor (d.)
1 SEPTEMBER –  Saint Giles, Abbot (s.)
    Comm: Twelve Holy Brethren, MM.
2 SEPTEMBER –  Saint Stephen, King and Confessor (sd.)
3 SEPTEMBER –  Saint Pius X, Pope and Confessor (d.)
4 SEPTEMBER –  Feria
5 SEPTEMBER –   Saint Lawrence Justinian, Bishop & Confessor (sd.)
6 SEPTEMBER –  Feria
7 SEPTEMBER –  Feria
8 SEPTEMBER –  Nativity OF THE Blessed Virgin Mary (d2)
    Comm: Saint Hadrian, M.
    + Festal Station at the Basilica of Santa Maria Antiqua, Rome +
9 SEPTEMBER –  Of the Octave of the Nativity of the B.V.M. (oct.)
    Comm: Saint Gorgonius, M. (s.)
10 SEPTEMBER –  Saint Nicholas of Tolentino, C.  (d.)
    Comm: Octave of the Nativity of the B.V.M. (oct.)
11 SEPTEMBER –  Octave of the Nativity of the B.V.M. (oct.) and Saint Protus and Hyacinth,
     Martyrs (s.)
12 SEPTEMBER –The Most Holy Name of Mary (gd.)
    Comm: Octave of the Nativity of the B.V.M. (oct.)
13 SEPTEMBER –  Octave of the Nativity of the B.V.M. (oct.)
14 SEPTEMBER –  Exaltation of the Holy Cross (gd.)
    Comm: Octave of the Nativity of the B.V.M. (oct.)
15 SEPTEMBER –  Commemoration of the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary (d2.)
    Comm: Octave Day of the Nativity of the B.V.M. (s.)
16 SEPTEMBER –  Saints Cornelius, Pope and Martyr, and Cyprian, Bishop and Martyr  (sd.)
    Comm: Saints Euphemia, V., Lucy, and Geminian, MM.
17 SEPTEMBER –  The Holy Stigmata of Saint Francis  (d.)
18 SEPTEMBER –  Saint Joseph of Cupertino, Confessor (d.)
19 SEPTEMBER –  Saint Januarius, Bishop and Martyr, and His Companions (d.)
20 SEPTEMBER –  Saint Eustace and Companions, Martyrs (d.)
    Comm: Vigil of Saint Matthew, A.Ev. (min. vig.)
21 SEPTEMBER –  Saint Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist (d2)
22 SEPTEMBER –  Saint Thomas of Villanova, Bishop and Confessor (d.)
    Comm: Saint Maurice and Companions, MM.
23 SEPTEMBER –  Saint Linus, Pope & Martyr (sd.)
    Comm: Saint Thecla, V.M.
24 SEPTEMBER – Our Lady of Ransom (gd.)
25 SEPTEMBER –  Feria
26 SEPTEMBER –  Saints Cyprian and Justina, Martyrs (s.)
27 SEPTEMBER –  Saint Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs (sd.)
28 SEPTEMBER –  Saint Wencelas, Duke and Martyr (sd.)
29 SEPTEMBER –  Saint Michael and All Angels (d1)
30 SEPTEMBER –  Saint Jerome, Priest, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church (d.)
1 OCTOBER –  Saint Remigius, Bishop and Confessor (s.)
2 OCTOBER –  The Holy Guardian Angels  (gd.)
3 OCTOBER –  Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus, Virgin (d.)
4 OCTOBER –  Saint Francis of Assisi, Confessor (gd.)
5 OCTOBER –   Saint Placidus and Companions, Martyrs (s.)
6 OCTOBER –  Saint Bruno, Abbot (d.)
7 OCTOBER –  Commemoration of Our Lady of Victory, also known as the Holy Rosary of the
     Blessed Virgin Mary (d2)
    Comm: Saint Mark, P.C. (s.), and Saints Sergius, Bacchus, Marcellus, and Apulejus,     Martyrs (s.)
8 OCTOBER –Saint Bridget of Sweden, Widow (d.)
9 OCTOBER –  Saint John Leonard  (d.)
    Comm: St. Pius XII, P.C. (sd.) and Saint Denys, Bishop and Martyr, and Rusticus and
    Eleutherius, Martyrs (sd.)
10 OCTOBER –  Saint Francis Borgia, Confessor (sd.)
11 OCTOBER –  Motherhood of the Blessed Virgin Mary (d2)
12 OCTOBER –  Feria
13 OCTOBER –  Saint Edward, King and Confessor (sd.)
14 OCTOBER –  Saint Callistus, Pope and Martyr (d.)
15 OCTOBER –  Saint Teresa, Virgin (d.)
16 OCTOBER –  Saint Hedwig, Widow (sd.)
17 OCTOBER –  Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin (d.)
18 OCTOBER –  Saint Luke the Evangelist (d2)
19 OCTOBER –  Saint Peter of Alcantara, Confessor (d.)
20 OCTOBER –  Saint John Cantius, Confessor (d.)
21 OCTOBER –  Saint Hilarion, Abbot (s.)
    Comm: Saints Ursula and Companions, MM
22 OCTOBER –  Feria
23 OCTOBER –  Feria
24 OCTOBER –  Saint Raphael the Archangel (gd.)
25 OCTOBER –  Saint Edwin Caudill, Apostolic Founder and Confessor (d1, r.); Comm: Saints Chrysanthus and Daria, Martyrs (s., r.)
26 OCTOBER –  Saint Evaristus, Pope & Martyr (s.)
27 OCTOBER –  Vigil of Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles (min. vig.)
28 OCTOBER –  Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles (d2)
29 OCTOBER –  Feria
30 OCTOBER –  Feria
31 OCTOBER –  Vigil of All Saints (min. vig.)
+ 1 NOVEMBER –  Feast of All Saints (d1)
    + Festal Station at the Basilica of St. Peter, Rome +
2 NOVEMBER –  Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (otherwise known as All 
     Souls’ Day) (d.)
    Comm: Octave of All Saints (oct. 3)
3 NOVEMBER –  Of the Octave of All Saints (oct. 3)
4 NOVEMBER –  The Holy Mother of God of Kazan (Second Mass) (d1.)
    Comm: Saint Charles Borromeo, B.C. (d.), Fourth Day in the Octave of All Saints (oct. 3),
    and Saints Vitalis and Agricola, MM.
5 NOVEMBER –  Fifth Day in the Octave of All Saints (oct. 3)
6 NOVEMBER –  Sixth Day in the Octave of All Saints (oct. 3),
7 NOVEMBER –  Saint Willibrord, First Bishop of Utrecht (d.)
    Comm: Seventh Day in the Octave of All Saints (oct. 3)
8 NOVEMBER –  Octave Day of All Saints (gd.)
    Comm: Four Crowned Martyrs
9 NOVEMBER –  Dedication of the Archbasilica of Our Saviour (d2)
    Comm: Saint Theodore, M.
10 NOVEMBER –  Saint Andrew Avellino, Confessor (d.)
    Comm: Saints Tryphon, Respicius, MM., and Nympha, V.M.
11 NOVEMBER –  Saint Martin, Bishop and Confessor (d.)
    Comm: Saint Mennas, M.
    + Festal Station at the Cathedral of St. Martin de Tours, Mainz +
12 NOVEMBER –   Saint Martin I, Pope & Martyr (sd.)
13 NOVEMBER –  Saint Didacus, Confessor (sd.)
14 NOVEMBER –  Saint Josephat, Bishop and Martyr  (d.)
15 NOVEMBER –  Saint Albert the Great, Bishop, Confessor, and Doctor of the Church (d.)
16 NOVEMBER –  Saint Gertrude, Virgin (d.)
17 NOVEMBER –  Saint Gregory the Wonderworker, Bishop & Confessor (sd.)
18 NOVEMBER –  Dedication of the Basilicas of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (gd.)
19 NOVEMBER –  Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Widow (d.)
    Comm: Saint Pontianus, P.M.
20 NOVEMBER –  Saint Felix de Valois, Confessor (d.)
21 NOVEMBER –  Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (gd.)
22 NOVEMBER –  Saint Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr (d.)
23 NOVEMBER –  Saint Alexander Nevsky (gd.)
    Comm: Saint Clement I, P.M. (d.) and Saint Felicitas, M.
    Feast Day of the Order of Saints Anne and Alexander Nevsky
24 NOVEMBER –  Saint John of the Cross, Confessor and Doctor of the Church (d.)
    Comm: Saint Chrysogonus, M.
25 NOVEMBER –  Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr (d.)
26 NOVEMBER –  Saint Sylvester, Abbot (d.)
    Comm: Saint Peter of Alexandria, B.M.
27 NOVEMBER –  Feria
28 NOVEMBER –  Feria
29 NOVEMBER – Saint Saturninus, Martyr (s.)
30 NOVEMBER – Saint Andrew the apostle, d1
1 DECEMBER – Saint Leo X, Pope & Confessor, Holy Father of the Apostolic See (d2)
2 DECEMBER – Saint Bibiana, Virgin & Martyr (sd.)
3 DECEMBER – Saint Francis Xavier, Confessor (gd.)
4 DECEMBER – Saint Peter Chrysologus, Bishop, Confessor, & Doctor of the Church (d.)
    Comm: Saint Barbara, V.M.
5 DECEMBER – St. Sabbas, Abbot
6 DECEMBER – Saint Nicholas, Bishop & Confessor (d.)
7 DECEMBER – Saint Ambrose, Bishop, Confessor, & Doctor of the Church (d.)
Comm: Vigil of the Immaculate Conception of the BVM (min. vig.)
+ 8 DECEMBER –  Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (d1 with oct.3)
    + Festal Station at the Basilica of St. Mark, Venice +
    Feast Day of the Pontifical Order of the Eagle
9 DECEMBER –  Saint Pius IV, Pope & Confessor (sd.)
    Comm: Of the Oct. of the Immaculate Conception of the BVM (oct.3)
10 DECEMBER –  Of the Oct. of the Immaculate Conception of the BVM (oct.3)
    Comm: Saint MelichiadesM. (s.)
11 DECEMBER –  Saint Damasus I, Pope & Confessor (sd.)
    Comm: Octave of the Immaculate Conception (oct.3)
12 DECEMBER –  Of the Oct. of the Immaculate Conception of the BVM (oct.3)
13 DECEMBER –  Saint Herman of Alaska the Wonderworker (gd.)
    Comm: Saint Lucy, Virgin and Martyr (d.) and the Octave of the Immaculate Conception (oct.3)
14 DECEMBER –  Of the Oct. of the Immaculate Conception of the BVM (oct.3)
15 DECEMBER –  Octave Day of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (gd.)
16 DECEMBER –  Saint Eusebius, Bishop & Martyr (sd.)
17 DECEMBER –  Feria 
18 DECEMBER –  Feria
19 DECEMBER – Feria
20 DECEMBER –  Vigil of Saint Thomas the Apostle  (min. vig.)
21 DECEMBER –  Saint Thomas, Apostle (d2.)
22 DECEMBER –  Feria
23 DECEMBER –  Feria
24 DECEMBER –  Vigil of the Nativity of Our Lord (d1)
+ 25 DECEMBER –  Latin Feast of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ (d1.)
    Commemoration at 2nd mass: Saint Anatasia
26 DECEMBER –  Saint Stephen, Deacon and Protomartyr (d2)
    Patron of the Diocese of Rome-Ruthenia
    Comm: Octave of the Nativity
    + Festal Station at the Basilica of San Stefano al Ponte, Florence +
27 DECEMBER –  Saint John, Apostle and Evangelist (d2.)
    Comm: Octaves of the Nativity  and of Saint Stephen
28 DECEMBER –  Holy Innocents, Martyrs (d2.)
    Comm: Octave of the Nativity, Octave of Saint Stephen, and Octave of Saint John
29 DECEMBER –  Saint Thomas, Bishop and Martyr (d.)
    Comm: Octave of Saint Stephen , Octave of Saint John , and Octave of the Holy
30 DECEMBER –  Within the Octave of the Nativity (oct.)
    Comm: Octave of St. Stephen (sd.), Octave of Saint John , and Octave of the Holy
31 DECEMBER –  Saint Sylvester, Pope and Confessor (d.)
    Comm: Octave of the Nativity (sd.), Octave of  Saint John , and Octave of the Holy

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