The follow is a summary of forms of address and protocol.

GradeInterntional English Style and Form of AddressItaliano Русский
Male members of religious ordersBrother
Spoken Style: Brother (followed by religious name)
Trattamento parlato:  Fra' Brother + nome religioso
Female members of religious ordersSister
Spoken Style: Sister (followed by religious name)
Trattamento parlato:  Suor + nome religioso
Clergy of all grades (below priest)Reverend Dom
(Rev. Dom)
Spoken Style: Dom (followed by first name)
Reverendo Dom (o Don)
(Rev. Don)
Trattamento parlato:  Don + nome
Ваше Боголю́бие
Deacons: Ваше благовестие
PriestsReverend Father Dom Name
(Rev. Fr. Dom Name)
Spoken Style: Reverend Father or  Father or Dom (followed by first name)
Reverendo Padre Don 
(Rev. P. Don Name)
Trattamento parlato:  Reverendo Padre or  Padre or Don + nome
Ваше благословение
Abbots and ArchabbotsThe Right Reverend Abbot (or Archabbot)
Rt. Rev. Ab. (or Aab.)
Spoken Style: Abbot (or Archabbot)
Reverendissimo Abate (o Arciabate)
Trattamento parlato:  Abate (o Arciabate)
Ваше высокоблагословение Аббат (Архаббот)
Honourary Chaplains of the Pontifical CourtReverend Monsignor
Rev. Msgr. (or Mgr.)
Spoken Style: Monsignor
Reverendo Monsignor
Trattamento parlato:  Monsignor
Ваше высокоблагословение
Pontifical ChamberlainsVery Reverend Monsignor
Very Rev. Msgr.
Spoken Style: Monsignor
Molto Reverendo Monsignor
Trattamento parlato:  Monsignore
Ваше высокоблагословение
Canons of the Patriarchal ChapterHis Excellency the Very Reverend Monsignor
H.E. the Very Rev. Msgr.
Spoken Style: Your Excellency or Monsignor
Sua Eccellenza il Molto Reverendo Monsignor
Trattamento parlato:  Sua Eccellenza o  Monsignore
Ваше высокопреподобие
Honourary Deans of the Patriarchal ChapterHis Excellency the Very Reverend Monsignor
H.E. the Very Rev. Msgr.
Spoken Style: Your Excellency
Sua Eccellenza il Molto Reverendo Monsignor
Trattamento parlato:  Sua Eccellenza o  Monsignore
Ваше высокопреподобие
First Archdeacon of the Apostolic SeeHis Excellency the Very Reverend and Venerable Monsignor
H.E. the Very Rev. and Ven. Msgr.
Spoken Style: Your Excellency
Sua Eccellenza il Molto Reverendo e Venerabile Monsignor
Trattamento parlato:  Sua Eccellenza o  Monsignore
Ваше высокопреподобие
Colonels and (naval) Captains and higher ranks of the Pontifical Walsingham GuardHis/Her Excellency (Rank + Name)
H.E. (Rank + Name)
Spoken Style: Your Excellency or Rank + Name
Sua Eccellenza + Grado
Trattamento parlato: Sua Eccellenza o  Grado + Nome
Ваше превосходительство
Noble Companions and Serving Companions of the Noble Company of St. Mary of WalsinghamThe Honourable + Name
(unless entitled to a higher title/style)
Onorevole + Nome
Trattamento parlato: Signor(a) + Nome
Ваше благородие
Knights of the Pontifical Imperial State Chevalier (Name)
Holders of the Grand Cross of an order, as well as Knights of Honour of Sts. Anne and Alexander Nevsky and Knights of Sts. George and Olga, are entitled to the style of His Exellency.
(Note that the Knights Bachelor of Yugoslavia instead use the style of Sir with either the full name or the Christian name only.)
Cavaliere (Nome)
I titolari della Gran Croce di un ordine, nonché i Cavalieri d'Onore dei SS. Anna e Aleksandr Nevskij e i Cavalieri dei SS. George e Olga, hanno diritto allo stile di Sua Eccellenza.
(Nota che i Cavalieri Scapoli della Jugoslavia usano invece lo stile di Sir con il nome completo o solo con il nome di battesimo.)
Ваше благородие Рыцарь
Кавалеры Большого креста ордена, а также кавалеры ордена Святой Анны и Александра Невского и кавалеры ордена Святых Георгия и Ольги имеют право на титул Его Превосходительства.
Dames of the Pontifical Imperial StateDame (Name)
Holders of the Grand Cross of an order, as well as Dames of Honour of Sts. Anne and Alexander Nevsky and Dames of Sts. George and Olga, are entitled to the style of Her Exellency.
Dama + Nome
I titolari della Gran Croce di un ordine, nonché le Dame d'Onore dei SS. Anna e Aleksandr Nevskij e Dame dei SS. George e Olga, hanno diritto allo stile di Sua Eccellenza.
Ваше благородие Дама
Кавалеры Большого креста ордена, а также почетные дамы святых Анны и Александра Невских и дамы святых Георгия и Ольги имеют право на титул Её Превосходительства.
Untitled NoblesThe Honourable + NameOnorevole + Nome
N.H. (o N.D.) + Nome
Ваше благородие
Nobles in Service at the Patriarchal ThroneHis/Her Excellency
Spoken Style: Your Excellency
If they hold a title of Baron or above, as well as any other rank, it is also used.
Sua Eccellenza
Se detengono il titolo di Barone o superiore, così come qualsiasi altro grado, viene utilizzato anche questo.
Ваше превосходительство
Nobility of the Pontifical Imperial State (Baron, Viscount, Count, Count Palatine, Marquis, noble Duke)His/Her Excellency (Title (e.g., Count) + Name, followed by territorial name, if any)
H.E. (Title + Name, followed by territorial name, if any)
Alternatively: H.E. the (Title + Surname) or H.E. the (Title) of (territorial)
Spoken Style: Your Excellency or Title + Name/territorial
Sua Eccellenza (Titolo (e.g., Conte) + Nome, seguito dall'eventuale nome territoriale)
In alternativa: S.E. il (Titolo + Cognome) o S.E. il (Titolo) di (territoriale)
Trattamento parlato: Eccellenza o Titolo + Nome/territoriale
Ваше превосходительство
Благородный герцог:  
Ваше высокопревосходительство
Princes of the Pontifical Imperial State His/Her Serene Highness Prince/Princess (First Name, followed by territorial name, if any, or else family name )
H.S.H. Prince/Princess (First Name, + territorial name, if any, or else family name )
Alternatively: H.S.H. the Prince/Princess (Surname) or H.S.H. the Prince/Princess of (territorial)
Spoken Style: Your Serene Highess or Your Highness
(Note: In the case of designated royal princes/princesses, the style is Royal Highness (H.R.H.). Certain princes also by custom have specific styles, such as Grand Ducal Highness (H.G.D.H.) and Royal and Serene Highness (H.R.S.H.)
Sua Altezza Serenissima il/la Principe/Principessa (Nome, seguito dal nome territoriale, oppure cognome)
S.A.S. Principe/Principessa (Nome, + nome territoriale, se presente, oppure cognome)
In alternativa: S.A.S. il Principe/Principessa (Cognome) o S.A.S. il/la Principe/Principessa di (territoriale)
Trattamento parlato: Vostra Altezza Serenissima o Vostra Altezza
(Nota: nel caso di principi/principesse reali designati, lo stile è Altezza Reale (S.A.R.). Anche alcuni principi hanno per consuetudine stili specifici, come Altezza Granducale (S.A.GD.) e Altezza Reale e Serenissima (S.A.R.S.))
Ваше Светлейшее Высочество,

Ваше королевское высочество,

Ваше Великое Герцогское Высочество,

Ваше Королевское и Светлейшее Высочество
Prelates del FiocchettoHis Excellency the Very Reverend Monsignor
H.E. the Very Rev. Msgr.
Spoken Style: Your Excellency
Sua Eccellenza il Molto Reverendo Monsignor
Trattamento parlato:  Sua Eccellenza o  Monsignore
Ваше высокопреподобие
Pontifical Electors (non-Bishop)His Excellency the Very Reverend Monsignor
H.E. the Very Rev. Msgr.
Spoken Style: Your Excellency
Sua Eccellenza il Molto Reverendo Monsignor
Trattamento parlato:  Sua Eccellenza o  Monsignore
Ваше высокопреподобие
BishopsHis Grace (or His Excellency) the Right Reverend Monsignor
H.G. (or H.E.) the Rt. Rev. Msgr. 
(Capitular Bishops of the Patriarchal Chapter always use the style of Excellency.)
Spoken Style: Your Grace or Your Excellency
Conclusion of correspondence: Kissing the Sacred Ring, I have the honor to remain Your Grace's (or Your Excellency's) most humble servant;
Reverence of Office: The faithful and regular clergy should stand when a bishop enters the room and remain standing until invited to sit. Men must remove their hats in his presence. Kneel on the left knee and kiss ring as sign of respect for his office. One may ask for and receive a blessing. If kneeling would be awkward or impossible, bow at the waist and kiss his ring. Reverential gestures should be repeated when leaving his presence. 
Sua Grazia (o Sua Eccellenza) il Reverendissimo Monsignor
Trattamento parlato:  Sua Grazia (o Sua Eccellenza) o Monsignore
(I Vescovi capitolari del Capitolo patriarcale usano sempre lo stile di Eccellenza.)
Conclusione della corrispondenza: Baciando il Sacro Anello, ho l'onore di rimanere il più umile servitore di Vostra Grazia (o di Vostra Eccellenza);
Rispetto dell'ufficio: i fedeli e il clero regolare dovrebbero alzarsi quando un vescovo entra nella stanza e rimanere in piedi finché non vengono invitati a sedersi. Gli uomini devono togliersi il cappello in sua presenza. Inginocchiarsi sul ginocchio sinistro e baciare l'anello in segno di rispetto per il suo ufficio. Si può chiedere e ricevere una benedizione. Se inginocchiarsi fosse imbarazzante o impossibile, inchinati in vita e bacia il suo anello. I gesti reverenziali dovrebbero essere ripetuti quando si lascia la sua presenza.
Ваше преосвященство
ArchbishopsHis Grace (or His Excellency) the Most Reverend Monsignor
H.G. (or H.E.) the Most Rev. Msgr.
(Capitular Archbishops of the Patriarchal Chapter always use the style of Excellency.)
Spoken Style: Your Grace or Your Excellency
Conclusion of correspondence: (As for a bishop.)
Reverence of Office: (As for a bishop.)
Come per un vescovo. Ваше преосвященство


Ваше высокопреосвященство
PatriarchsHis Beatitude the Most Reverend Monsignor
H.B. the Most Rev. Msgr.
Spoken Style: Your Beatitude
Conclusion of correspondence: Kissing the Sacred Ring, I have the honor to remain Your Beatitude's  most humble servant;
Reverence of Office: (As for a bishop.)
Come per un vescovo. Ma, il trattamento è Sua Beatitudine. Ваше блаженство
Prince-Archbishop ElectorsHis Eminence and Imperial and Royal Highness the Most Reverend Grand Duke
H.Em.&I.R.H. Most Rev. Gr.D.
Spoken Style: Your Eminence and Imperial and Royal Highness, or Your Most Eminent Imperial and Royal Highness, or Your Eminence
Conclusion of correspondence: Kissing the Sacred Ring, I have the honor to remain Your Eminence's  most humble servant;
Reverence of Office: (As for a bishop.)
Sua Eminenza ed Altezza Imperiale e Reale il Reverendissimo Granduca
S.Em.&I.R.H. Mons. Gr.D.
Trattamento parlato: Vostra Eminenza e Altezza Imperiale e Reale, oppure Vostra Eminentissima Altezza Imperiale e Reale, oppure Vostra Eminenza
Conclusione della corrispondenza: Baciando il Sacro Anello, ho l'onore di restare il più umile servitore di Vostra Eminenza;
Riverenza dell'Ufficio: (Per quanto riguarda un vescovo.)
Ваше высокопреосвященство и Императорское и Королевское Высочество 
Великий князь

Ваше высокопреосвященство
Великий князь
CardinalsHis Eminence the Most Reverend Given Names Cardinal Surname
H.Em. the Most Rev. Given Names Card. Surname
Spoken Style: Your Eminence
Conclusion of correspondence: Kissing the Sacred Purple, I have the honor to remain Your Eminence's  most humble and obedient servant;
Reverence of Office: (As for a bishop.)
Sua Eminenza Reverendissima Nomi Cardinale Cognome
Trattamento parlato: Vostra Eminenza
Conclusione della corrispondenza: Baciando la Sacra Porpora, ho l'onore di restare il servitore più umile ed obbediente di Vostra Eminenza;
Riverenza dell'Ufficio: (Per quanto riguarda un vescovo.)
Ваше высокопреосвященство Кардинал 
Members of the Pontifical and Imperial HouseholdHis(or Her) Pontifical and Imperial Highness Grand Duke/Duchess
H.P.I.H. Gr.D.
Spoken Style: Your (Pontifical and Imperial) Highness
Conclusion of correspondence (if not a bishop or cardinal): I have the honor to remain, Sir (or Madame) Your Pontifical and Imperial Highness's  most humble and obedient servant;
Conclusion of correspondence (if a bishop or cardinal): (As given for a bishop or Cardinal.)
Reverence of Office (if a bishop or cardinal): (As for a bishop.)
Sua Altezza Pontificia e Imperiale Granduca/Duchessa
S.A.P.I. Gr.D.
Trattamento parlato: Vostra Altezza (Pontificia e Imperiale).
Conclusione della corrispondenza (se non vescovo o cardinale): ho l'onore di rimanere, Signore (o Signora), il servitore più umile e obbediente di Vostra Altezza Pontificia e Imperiale;
Conclusione della corrispondenza (se vescovo o cardinale): (Come dato per un vescovo o cardinale.)
Riverenza dell'Ufficio (se vescovo o cardinale): (Come per un vescovo.)
Ваше Папское и Императорское Высочество Великий Князь (или Великая Княгиня)
Apostolic Princess (Consort) of Rome-RutheniaHer Apostolic Highness Princess
H.A.H. Princess
Spoken Style: Your (Apostolic) Highness
Conclusion of correspondence (if not a bishop or cardinal): I have the honor to remain, Madame, Your Apostolic Highness's most humble and obedient servant;
Sua Altezza Apostolica Principessa
S.A.A. Principessa 
Trattamento parlato: Vostra Altezza (Apostolica)
Conclusione della corrispondenza (se non vescovo o cardinale): ho l'onore di rimanere, Signora, il servitore più umile e obbediente di Vostra Altezza Apostolica;
Ваше Апостольское Высочество Княгиня
Prince-Bishop of Rome-RutheniaHis Apostolic Highness (Prince-) Bishop
H.A.H. (Prince-)Bishop
Spoken Style: Your Apostolic Highness
Conclusion of correspondence: Kissing the Sacred Foot, I have the honour to remain Your Apostolic Highness's most humble and devoted servant,
Reverence of Office: Most formally, the faithful and clergy should kneel on the left knee, bow, and touch the right foot of the Supreme Pontiff with the right hand. Less formally, the standard kiss of the ring as a sign of respect for the office is acceptable. If kneeling cannot be done, then bow. One may ask for and receive a blessing. Stand when he enters the room and remain standing until invited to sit. Men must remove their hats in his presence. Reverential gestures should be repeated when leaving his presence. 
Sua Altezza Apostolica (Principe-)Vescovo
Trattamento parlato: Vostra Altezza Apostolica
Conclusione della corrispondenza: Baciando il Sacro Piede, ho l'onore di rimanere il servitore più umile e devoto di Vostra Altezza Apostolica,
Riverenza dell'Ufficio: più formalmente, i fedeli e il clero dovrebbero inginocchiarsi sul ginocchio sinistro, inchinarsi e toccare il piede destro del Sommo Pontefice con la mano destra. Meno formalmente, è accettabile il classico bacio dell'anello in segno di rispetto per la carica. Se non è possibile inginocchiarsi, inchinarsi. Si può chiedere e ricevere una benedizione. Alzati quando entra nella stanza e resta in piedi finché non viene invitato a sedersi. Gli uomini devono togliersi il cappello in sua presenza. I gesti reverenziali dovrebbero essere ripetuti quando si lascia la sua presenza.
Ваше Апостольское Высочество Князь-Епископ


Clergy who hold a title of nobility of the rank of Baron or higher use that title in place of "Dom" or "Monsignor" or other religious styles (except for those of religious orders. Clergy who are  members of the immediate household of the Bishop-Imperator or who are honourary (electoral members) use the style of Grand Duke in place of "Dom" or "Monsignor" as given in the preceding for clergy in general. In the case of Cardinals, however, Cardinal is place preceding the noble title and informally may be used alone interchangably with the noble title. 


Ranks are in four broad categories: clerical, noble, military, and civil. When an individual holds ranks in more than one category, the one in the highest category takes precedence, i.e., military takes precedence over civil, noble takes precedence over both military and civil, and clerical takes precedence over everything. This does not, however, preclude an individual from using ranks simultaneously from more than one category. For example, a cardinal who is a baron and a colonel, following this principle would be styled as: His Eminence Baron N. The rank of colonel could be added as well.

Holders of doctorates who hold higher titles may still use the title of Doctor. This is appended following clerical, noble, and military ranks. If a novel title is placed instead after the name, then Doctor may precede the name immediately.

Four equivalent military ranks, the naval is above land, followed by air in the naval settings; the land rank is above naval, followed by air in land settings; and the air rank is above naval, followed by land in the air settings.


Spouses and children of titled nobles of the rank of Baron and above use the same rank as the head of household. However, the full title is never appended after the name by the children as it would be for the principal titleholder. (The exception to this is certain specific titles that constitute ranks themselves, such as Prince of the Pontifical Imperial State.) For example, a Count (the actual titleholder) could be styled His Excellency Count N. of NN., or His Excellency N., Count of NN. His wife could be styled Her Excellency Countess N. of NN., or Her Excellency N., Countess of NN. The children, however, could only be styled His/Her Excellency Count(ess) N. of NN.

In some cases a child (frequently, if used, it is the heir) is allowed to use a lesser title of the principal titleholder. In such cases, they use it in the same manner as a principal titleholder.

Wives of Knights, if they do not hold a another title themselves, are styled Lady + Name.

Wives of clergy are entitled to the style of Dame. If their husband is entitled to the style of Excellency or Eminence, it is likewise used by the wife (however, in the Russian forms of the titles, which are only appropriate for clergy, the wives use the style of Excellency and High Excellency respectively as given for noble and civil individuals. However, wives of clergy who hold a title of nobility, either in their own right or by right of their husband, use their noble title rather than "Dame."

Spouses of others within the table of precedence do not have specific styles or titles assigned and therefore simply use the standard courtesy title to which they are generally entitled in society.

Wives of all individuals contained within the table of precidence rank equal to their husbands unless they hold a higher individual rank. This applies even if the rank does not have a specific female equivalent for the spouse. For example, the wife of a Baron ranks equivalent to her husband and is also entitled to the title of Baroness; and the wife of a Colonel likewise ranks equivalent to her husband, but does not have a female equivalent of her husband's rank.


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