Members of the Pontifical Society are termed Fellows and may use the postnomial letters FPS. Candidates must be nominated by two or more Fellows, then approved for Fellowship status via approval by the Board of Governors.


Board of Governors

Bishop Rutherford I, PhD, STD, JCD, ALM, FPS

John Refieuna, FPS

Rev. Dr. John Wetsch, PhD, FPS


List of Select Fellows

Harvey Abbott*, FPS

Carl Beck*, FPS

George H.W. Bush*, FPS

S. G. Candler*, FPS

Terrence Daniels*, FPS

Frank Dengler*, FPS

Hernán Alejandro Olano García, FPS

Sire Rubén Gavaldá y Castro, FPS

Jeffrey Hardy*, FPS

Prc. Floyd Jack, FPS

J.R. Johnson*, FPS

Prc. James R. Johnson*, FPS

Gr.D. Marianne di Etruria*, FPS

Gr.D. Barry di Etruria*, FPS

Yoel Levi*, FPS

J. Lewandowski, FPS

Ct. Hunter W. Lisle, FPS

W.R. MacDuffie*, FPS

Francis MacGowin*, FPS

Daniel Means*, FPS

David O'Connor*, FPS

Karen O'Connor*, FPS

William F. Owens*, FPS

Ronald Reagan*, FPS

John Refieuna, FPS

Fred Rogers*, FPS

Ct. Nelson K. Steinhurst, FPS

Michael Strickland*, FPS

Grayson Tate*, FPS

Prc. John Wetsch, FPS


By custom, fellows are listed by name only, with the postnomial initials of the Society. Excepting the Board of Governors,
degrees and other postnomials are omitted for simplicity.


* These Fellows received their award as the Legion of the Sword, by which the society was known before it was granted its ecclesial charter.




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