Anglican-Byzantine Rite (United Roman-Ruthenian Church)

The Anglican-Byzantine Rite is a variation of the Gallo-Russo-Byzantine Rite, the principal liturgical form of the Catholicate and Diocese of Rome-Ruthenia and the United Roman-Ruthenian Church. The Anglican-Byzantine Rite is fundamentally an eastern rite, drawing its foundation from the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. It incorporates certain elements of the Latin Tridentine Rite, as well as customs from the Syrian and Armenian traditions, just as the Gallo-Russo-Byzantine does, but also adds elements of the Anglican Rite. This unique blend of liturgical influences speaks to the universal east-west nature of the Church, reflecting its distinct heritage. The Gallo-Russo-Byzantine Rite serves as a testament to the Church's determination to maintain its core values and traditions even in the modern era.

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Pontifical Imperial State
of Rome-Ruthenia
United Roman-Ruthenian Church

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