The Title/Style of Apostolic Highness
of the Prince-Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia
United Roman-Ruthenian Church

EN | IT | RU

from the Prefecture of Faith and Doctrine

15 October 2024


The title/style Apostolic Highness is deemed the most suitable for the Prince-Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia, as it effectively merges his spiritual and temporal authority in a single and unique designation. "Apostolic" signifies his role as the head of the autocephalous United Roman-Ruthenian Church, rooted in unbroken Orthodox and Old Catholic Apostolic Succession. "Highness" reflects his temporal authority related to the Pontifical Imperial State, the historic patrimony of the Church that, while neither possessing or seeking control of political territory, remains an ecclesiastical nation without borders. Spiritually, it is equivalent to the style of Holiness. Thus the title encapsulates his dual role as both a spiritual leader and an ecclesiastical sovereign, thereby consolidating various aspects of his office into a coherent expression that honors the Church's traditions and heritage.

See also the Church's Canonical Status.

See also the Temporal Rights of the Church.

See also the Note on the Titles of the P.I. Houshold.

The title Apostolic Highness is the most proper and fitting for the Prince-Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia, Supreme Pontiff of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church because it succinctly and elegantly reflects the combination of the spiritual and temporal aspects of the semi-hereditary, semi-elective office. This title encapsulates the historical, apostolic, and imperial dimensions of the Prince-Bishop's authority in a single, cohesive designation that uniquely refers to the Chief of the Roman-Ruthenian Church and State.

1. Pontifical and Apostolic Authority

The term "Apostolic" emphasizes the Prince-Bishop's spiritual authority as the head of the Apostolic Sees of Sts. Stephen and Mark and therefore as head of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church, an autocephalous Orthodox and Old Catholic Church. This title aligns with the historic use of "Apostolic" in Christian tradition in reference to a Church or See that continues the mission and authority of the Apostles in unbroken succession (Ostrogorsky, 1969).

2. Royal and Imperial Dignity

The term Highness reflects the titular temporal authority tied to the office of the Prince-Bishop, though the Pontifical Imperial state remains a nation without borders that neither possesses nor seeks territorial borders. In the case of the Pontifical Imperial State and United Roman-Ruthenian Church, the Prince-Bishop holds both spiritual and temporal roles (Coulombe, 2020):

  • The Prince-Bishop is Supreme Pontiff of an autocephalous Church.
  • The Prince-Bishop is also the temporal successor of St. Peter and therefore also the ecclesiastical claimant to the Roman Empire and Kingdom of Ruthenia, along others.

This use of Highness thus signifies the Prince-Bishop's temporal role as Chief of both the United Roman-Ruthenian Church and the Pontifical Imperial State of Rome-Ruthenia.

3. Combination of Spiritual and Temporal Titles

The title of Apostolic Highness is unique and uniquely refers to the Prince-Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia. It merges both the pontifical (Apostolic) and temporal (Highness) aspects into one (Heritage, 2023).

Over time, various titles have been applied to and recognized for the office of the Prince-Bishop, including:

  • His Holiness: A title traditionally reserved for the head of a church, particularly in the case of popes and patriarchs. This reflects his role as Papa-Catholicos of Rome-Ruthenia and Supreme Pontiff of an autocephalous church. This is retained in the current style, with "the Most Holy" (Sanctissimus in Latin) being used either with Apostolic Highness or by itself (Deffenbaugh, 2023).
  • His Imperial and Royal Highness: This reflects the historic imperial and royal patrimony of the Pontifical Imperial State, though the Church today neither controls nor seeks to control any political territory and remains a nation without borders (Apostolic, 2024; Gavaldá and Miranda, 2015).
  • His Holy Eminence: A variation of Holiness and other titles.

However, Apostolic Highness succinctly and uniquely combines these various aspects into a single title that reflects the Prince-Bishop’s dual role as a leader with historic temporal patrimony, the culture of which is kept alive in the modern Roman-Ruthenian Church and State. Thus this title/style simplifies and clarifies the multiple roles of his office into one coherent and comprehensive designation (Deffenbaugh, 2024).

4. Synthesis of Titles

The designation of Apostolic Highness as the principle preferred title, the following aspects are encapsulated:

  • Spiritual Authority: As the head of an autocephalous Orthodox and Old Catholic Church, the Prince-Bishop's apostolic authority is emphasised, in unbroken succession from the early Christian Church.
  • Temporal Authority: The Prince-Bishop's role as head of the Pontifical Imperial State are likewise captured in the title/style, reflecting sovereign dignity.
  • Unity of Office: Overall the title/style consolidates multiple aspects of the Prince-Bishop's roles as Chief and principle representative of the Roman-Ruthenian Church and State and its people, faith, culture, heritage, and traditions into a succinct, dignified, and unique expression (Bougard and Sot, 2020).


The title Apostolic Highness is thus the most appropriate for the Prince-Bishop of Rome-Ruthenia as it reflects his comprehensive authority, combining Apostolic and Pontifical authority, spiritual leadership, and temporal authority in a single, coherent designation. This title honors both the religious and secular traditions that define the office and affirms the Prince-Bishop’s dual role as both a leader of faith and a sovereign of an ecclesiastical nation without borders.

Apostolic and Temporal Succession of Rutherford I. Pontifical Georgian Press. 2024.

Bougard, F., & Sot, M. Liber, Gesta, Histoire: Ecclesiastical Memory in Medieval Europe. Cambridge University Press (2020).

Coulombe C. Europe and the Empire. Oxford University Press. 2020; 34(2). ​

Deffenbaugh v. Röm-Frankfurt, Ed. Almanac of Würzburg. Pontifical Georgian Press. 2016-2024.

Gavaldá y Castro, Rubén and Arnaldo I. A. Miranda Tumbarello. Fons Honorum: compendio de Derecho Nobiliario Europeo y Americano. Instituto Heraldico de Buenos Aires. 2015.

Heritage and Ecclesiastical Titles in the United Roman-Ruthenian Church. Il Nunzio Romano-Ruteno. 2023.

Ostrogorsky, G. History of the Byzantine State. Rutgers University Press. (1969).























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