of the History, Beliefs, and Practices of the
United Roman-Ruthenian Church

History of the Church

Whom Do We Serve?

Frequently Asked Questions

Legacy within the URRC

Christ First - Always.

Useful articles:

Canonical Status of the Church

Healing the Wounds of Division:
Orthodox Old Catholicism

Statement on the Sacred Continuity of Rome, Holy Russia, and the Mission of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church

Declaration of the Supreme Pontiff on the Inheritance of Rome-Ruthenia

Statement of Mission and Service in the Church

Canonical Married Bishops and Clergy

Temporal Rights of the Church

 The Priesthood and Monarchy:
Reflections on the Kingdom of Heaven

Minority Orthodox and Old Catholic Churches.

  Use of Secular-Style Dress by Clergy of the United Roman-Ruthenian Church.

St. Aftimios Ofiesh

St. Leo X

St. Edwin Caudill

St. Raphael of Brooklyn

Pan-Slavic Roman Unity

Titles of the Pontifical and Imperial
Household of Rome-Ruthenia

[Main Page]